Revelry for winds and percussion (2017) - 3'

Commissioned by the Dobyns Bennett High School Band
Lafe Cook, Director
Level: Medium-Advanced

Premiere: March 8, 2017
American Bandmasters Association
Annual Convention
Lexington, Kentucky
Dobyns Bennett High School Wind Symphony
Chad Kamei, Conductor

Reference Recording:
Fillmore Wind Band
Dr. James Daughters, Conductor
2017 Midwest Clinic

Program Notes:

I spent nearly all my upbringing in the town of Carrollton, Georgia, a close-knit community rich with historical charm. My development as both person and musician were positively influenced by the people, education, and experiences I was fortunate enough to encounter during my time there.

When I first visited Kingsport, Tennessee, I was immediately reminded of my hometown: southern charm, caring people, a major industrial icon, and a community that rallied around its citizens, businesses, and school system. I immediately felt at home with these folks, and it has been a great relationship ever since.

When Lafe Cook asked me to write a piece celebrating the centennial of Kingsport’s founding, I was excited to celebrate a community spirit that was so familiar to me. Revelry is a celebratory fanfare that uses a nine-note theme as its core. The theme (pictured below) is a cryptogram of sorts, spelling out “K-I-N-G-S-P-O-R-T” using a 19th century French system (pictured below), in which the musical notes we know (A-G) are the basis for spelling out words using melodic lines. The version I created was transposed down a whole step to avoid me being fired for writing a band piece in G major...

Revelry Program Notes Page.jpg

Revelry is dedicated to the directors and students of the Dobyns Bennett Band Program, along with the community of Kingsport in celebration of its past, present, and future!

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